Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1. Post a screenshot of your storyboard. [2 pts]

2. State the TOPIC your team chose and TELL WHY you, as a group, decided to explore it. [3 pts]
we chose soccer,because we felt that soccer is a big reason are school is know.
3. What different images did you include in your storyboard & why did you chose them. [3 pts.]
We had picture of the soccer team and the seniors on the team. We wanted people to know who was was on the team.
4. What tools of collaboration helped you succeed as a team?  [2 pts.]
We used email to keep everyone in touch.
5. Describe HOW storyboarding helped you develop the idea for your movie. 
 [10 pts.]
The storyboard help me organize my ideas. 

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