Friday, September 17, 2010

1. Which search terms did you use to find images (for the letters of your name and the images that describe you) and why? I use letters in my name in nature. To find letter in my name for the project. 
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project? I learned to but pictures in iphoto.
3. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation.If I needed to make a project with pictures in it for business I now know how.
4. This was a more creative project than our first 2. Did you prefer it or the more cut and dry assignments in Word and Excel? I liked this project better than the first two.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

mail merge project questions

1. List the name of your business and its charity. Walmart and the charity is RBI boys and girls foundation of America.
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project? I learned to send out letter to a lot of people.
3. What was the easiest part of this project? What was the most difficult part of this project? Writing the letter. Sending the letters.
4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation other than writing a charity letter. These skills would help me if I needed to send letter to multiple people
5. Did you learn something new during this project that you did not know before?  If so, what? Yes, I learned to send letters to multiple people. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

1. What is a template?A template is a form, mold, or pattern used as a guide to making something.
2. What functions did your spreadsheet perform? How to use the computer to do averages and sums.
3. What skills did you use/learn in this project? How to make a pie chart on the computer.
4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation. If I had to make a presentation for work and I need to make a pie on the computer I now know how to do that.